Odessa- is quite a young city for Ukraine; it was founded in 1794 by Ekaterina, when the Russian Queen decided her empire could use a Sea port on the Black Sea. The population is about 1000000 people. Odessa is the fifth-largest city in Ukraine; the most important Sea- portr, trading, cultural, scientific, and resort center in the Northern Black Sea region.
Our Website contains useful information for travellers who are going to visit Odessa. Odessa is a beautiful city in the south of Ukraine , which is situated on the cost of Black Sea. Odessa is the most unusual city of Ukraine , which connects unconnected, famous resort city . Millon visitors come to city round year.
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Odessa Ukraine: history and facts and Odessa news
Odessa hotels: You can choose from Odessa hotels, located both in the center of the city and Arcadia beach
Apartments for rent: Looking for apartments in Odessa? Is the perfect alternative to hotel accommodation
Places of interest: Odessa Ukraine places of interest, attractions photos and info
Odessa beaches: The beaches of Odessa are the main attraction of the region
Odessa car rental: Special low discount rates for car rental via Odessa cars rent
Odessa interpreters: Experienced, qualified and professional translators in interpreters in Odessa, Ukraine.